This is a bit of a diversion from the current blog... but this event holds a special place in my heart and must be dearly noted...
As I may have mentioned before, I was blessed enough to be acquainted with a wonderful family down in Melbourne about 2 years ago. Tita Cecile is my auntie's bestfriend and I was lucky enough to meet with her, Tito Turry and their son Carlos in New Years 2008. By the Queens birthday long weekend of the same year - I had met everybody in the family with the addition of Gino, Roselle, Kat, Mike & Justin, after which I became great friends with everybody!
On my second visit to Melbourne, I decided to throw a surprise dinner party for Tita Cecile & Tito Turry with the help of the rest of the gang this is what we came up with...

Chocolate Fondant & Peach Gallette!
Thank you wonderful Bellos!!!! =)
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